Throughout the human history, propagandists have repeatedly and successfully used "Fear" as a tool to induce hatred in the hearts of the common public. Fear of the unknown is embedded in the human nature, so, when anything fear inducing is told by the propagandists, the common folks easily beleive them and align thier ideas as per the sayings of the propagandists.
And so, there is so much misinformation speread around the world about Islam and the Holy Prophet s.a.w. The goal is to keep the masses divided and to dampen thier critical thinking and decision making skills. And it has worked. The more a person get biased due to this propaganda, the more he or she will try to spread the misinformation on to others.
Lets have a quick introduction of what Holy Prophet s.a.w taught :
I can write much more here, but keeping it short for now. This article is just to show contrast of the real charectoer of the Allaah's Messenger and the biased and misinformed charecter portrayed by propagandists. Please read other articles on the site to get better understanding about Him.