Holy Prophet Muhammed s.a.w is the last Prophet and Messenger sent by Allah s.w.t. He is mercy to the universes and best role model for the mankind. Allaah s.w.t says in Quraan :
And We have not sent you, [O Prophet s.a.w], except as a mercy to the universes.
(Quran : 21:107)
Holy Prophet s.a.w is a messenger of peace, mercy and best of the charecterstics. He s.a.w has alway advocated good deeds, equality, right of humans and all living creatures, justice, right to fundamental needs for everyone, mercy, courtesy, hospitality, charity and forgiveness. And He s.a.w has prohibited bad deeds and any actions that may harm or hurt anyone or anything.
He s.a.w has exhibited an excellent character since his childhood. Even before the declaration of his prophethood, people attributed him as Saadiq (Honest) and Ameen (trustworthy). However after He s.a.w declared his prophethood, certain peoples did not accept it. Because it was apparent that He s.a.w will not accept the oppresive and tyrannical system of that time. While, the opperessed peoples, poor ones, widows, orphans and such, whole heartedly accepted the message of Holy prophet s.a.w, as it was certain that He s.a.w will not tolerate oppression or injustice of any kind and He s.a.w will always encourage justice, equality and peace.
Thank you.
s.a.w : Sallallahu alihi wasallam (Peace and blessings be upon Him)