Allaah s.w.t sent many messengers and prophets to guide the mankind. Hz Adam a.s, Nuh (Noah) a.s, Ibraheem (Abraham) a.s, Moosa (Moses) a.s and Isa (Jesus) a.s are few of them. The last Prophet and Messenger Allaah s.w.t sent is the Holy Prophet Muhammed s.a.w.
This site provide information about Holy Prophet s.a.w. Each article is written in brief manner and is in simple English. It would take just 2 to 3 minutes for the readers to read and understand any article published on this site.
This is a non-profit, non-political and unbiased work. You will not find any political discussions, discussions about other religions (except as a reference) or any sort of propaganda on this site. We do not ask or accept any donations.
Thank you.
s.w.t : Subhanhuwataala (Glory to Him)
a.s : Alihissalam (Peace be upon Him)
s.a.w : Sallallahu alihi wasallam (Peace and blessings be upon Him)